With the opening of the Olympic Games and especially with the start of the Decathlon competition, on August 21st and August 22nd, I would like to show you my last cycle of painting: Decathlon.
The Cycle “Decathlon” was already presented during several exhibitions in Germany and Italy and every time was very successfully, the public show to be very interested. With this paintings I was awarded past January the Epifania Award at the Galleria Eustachi, Milano. The jury was very impressed by my work and stated: “The way Cristina Dall'Ozzo paints the dynamic and energy enclosed in the human body is amazing. The energy seems to pulse inside the picture. The movement is everywhere: the background wraps the image and projects it toward the observer. With an innovative and absolutely personal painting language the artist has realized a wonderful study of the human body.”
My dream will be to get in contact with professional people trusting and supporting my creativity and giving me the chance to do "the big Jump".
Cristina Dall'Ozzo
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