Kunstblog: Dies ist der Blog von Cristina Dallozzo, einer freischaffenden Künstlerin, die über Ihren Blog über Neuigkeiten und Ausstellungen Ihrer Werke berichtet.
"The Vitruvian Man" is a spray work on paper 140x150 cm, composed from 6 papers 70x50 cm, inspired by the homonymous drawing realized from Leonardo da Vinci around the year 1490.
My Vitruvian Man, 150 x 140 cm, Spray Paint
The Vitruvian Man is not just a study of human proportion, but it represents the graphic synthesis of the harmony of the human being in the cosmos, according to the universalist spirit of that period. It depicts a male human body in two superimposed positions and simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square , according to the rules of the Aura Section. In this way Leonardo finds in the human being itself the solution of the impossible mathematic problem of squaring the circle. In this symbolic representation the man is the measure of all things, and the cosmos is at human scale.
In my artwork the Vitruvian man is partially decomposed and single elements of its picture reproduced themselves beyond the borders of its microcosm, defined from the main circle and square.
What is going to happen to the Vitruvian man in this age of digitalization and "virtualization" that affects also the art, especially the painting, the first among all arts and sciences as Leonardo used to assert?
Probably to survive at this digital pandemic outbreak it must mutate himself.
Those spray works are part of a new artistic project called "Brocken Life". The aim of the project is to denounce the phenomena of pseudo-legalized sexual violence against children and women, especially in the poorer countries. Let's think at the sexual Tourism in Brazil or Thailand for instance. Even though mine is just one voice that joints the others, at least I try.
Ho utilizzato i colori spray (le bombolette) perchè restituiscono più drammaticità all'opera. Lo spray infatti è stato utilizzato fin dall'inizio come mezzo di espressione spontanea dei ragazzi della low-class new-yorkese per rendersi visibili alla società americana e denunciare il proprio disagio sociale.
Siamo solo agli inizi di una rivoluzione digitale dominata da uno scambio, ad alta velocità e a scala globale, d’informazioni in forma di segnale digitale. Le attività e conoscenze umane sono controllate da un codice binario di "1" e "0".
L'installazione "Il Giardino Digitale" consiste in quattro pannelli di Polistirolo 100 x 50 cm e di uno 100x100 cm colorato con lo spray. E` stato realizzato in occasione della prima esibizione del Gruppo Modern Spray Art nella galleria Treppenhaus di Erlangen (in Germania).
Erlangen: Künstlergruppe zeigt moderne Spraykunst | |||
«Neue Positionen anspruchsvoller zeitgenössischer Spraykunst» | |||
Erlangen: Künstlergruppe zeigt moderne Spraykunst | |||
«Die Künstlergruppe definiert neue Positionen anspruchsvoller zeitgenössischer Spraykunst», erklärte Riedel. Sie stehe für eine legale Kunst, die vornehmlich auf Papier und Leinwand gesprayt und in erster Linie für den privaten Raum wie für Galerien und Museen gedacht sei. Ziel sei es, dass die Spraykunst in der Kunstwelt als gleichwertiges Genre anerkannt werde. «Manifest zur Modernen Spraykunst» Mitglieder der Künstlergruppe sind neben dem Nürnberger Riedel die Erlanger Künstler Cristina DallOzzo, Chris Engels und Ralf Puschmann, außerdem Konstantin Voit (Mannheim) und Graffiti-Pionier Hugo Kaagman aus Amsterdam, der bereits in den 1970er Jahren mit seinen Punk-Graffiti bekanntwurde. In der Erlanger Galerie Treppenhaus zeigen sie bis zum 8. Oktober ihre Werke. Auf einer Vernissage wollen sie am Donnerstag ein «Manifest zur Modernen Spraykunst» vorstellen. Außerdem gibt es eine Live-Spray-Action. |